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Find A Grave Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 53 reviews)

Category: Genealogy Sites (AKA Family Tree Websites)
Website: http://www.findagrave.com

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(2.3 Stars) based on 53 reviews

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Only 42% of Users Recommend it

PAGE 1: Displaying Reviews 1 - 10 of 53
Fed up graver
12 September 2023
Reviewer: Tired Of Rude Members from CA

23 of 42 people found this review helpful

I enjoy searching cemeteries and adding memorial and pictures to the easy format of Find a Grave.
I am not a numbers member, but it annoys me when members do no research but expect transfers only to use the memorial as their family tree data screen or to increase their numbers.

Politely ask for a transfer, tell me how you are related.

I removed my email address from my profile because of the rude members out there, usually the members with little to know memorials added. When did we stop being polite and only commenting crap. Use the contact manager button or note button under edit screen vs using email, at least there is a record of the rudeness.

Members who think sending edits for birth dates etc with no supporting link is acceptable. "Ya ok, let me get the white out"

I am a member who enjoys the peace of a cemetery, I do not enjoy members who find it necessary to be rude, because I want supporting link to amend a date or parent/child.

I do not want to add useless info, like years of census records under the bio.
The one item that should be added to Find a Grave, automatic that... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Findagrave is needs to be reformed
18 July 2023
Reviewer: Mike from USA

25 of 46 people found this review helpful

T's a great resource for discovering and cataloguing real, existing graves. But Findagrave has zero mechanisms for ensuring the accuracy of entered information. Any user can add memorials for anyone. You can add memorials for Goku, Luke Skywalker, and Harry Potter if you want. So people go on there and create error-riddled family trees, including many with entirely fictitious "ancestors" (like this one) that have zero burial information and no one can stop them.

Findagrave's chief vice is laziness--they don't want to bother with conflict mediation and have made the absurd assumption that genealogists are all reasonable and have valid reasons for believing what they believe. But in the last 20 years of doing this, I've found that many southern colonial genealogies found online are absurdly wrong, confusing multiple unrelated lines, badly supported (if at all) and that many genealogists are so lazy they'd rather copy and paste someone else's work than do even a modicum of fact checking. You can throw as much evidence as you want at many Findagrave members, but everyone is subject to cognitive biases--in genealogy I find anchoring bias and herd mentality to be extremely common. Even if you are nice and reasonable, the memorial manager... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Memorial transfers
01 March 2023
Reviewer: Ellie from USA

25 of 47 people found this review helpful

Several of my memorials got transferred to #8 by mistake and then it got transferred to contributors who only interested in numbers. Find a grave administration say they would help, But Caleb asked about my parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, which I think it is a invasion of privacy and refuses to transfer my memorials back to me. They can see I created the memorials but refuses to transfer the memorials back to me.

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Some Find a Grave Contributors make up stuff
24 April 2022
Reviewer: J Chaknova from United States

36 of 67 people found this review helpful

I am a Find a Grave contributor. Recently, I have found three memorial pages that were falsified. What do I mean by falsified? Example: A female's obituary was published on a funeral home website. I created a Find a Grave memorial page for the deceased woman, in the cemetery where the obituary said she was interred. Then, I went to the Ancestry website to attempt to locate the deceased woman's parents on Find a Grave. I discovered that a Find a Grave contributor had already created a memorial page for the deceased woman. The memorial page stated that the deceased person's body had been cremated and that the ashes were given to a family member or a friend. The memorial page went on to state that the deceased woman's maiden name was 'Matcher.' The surname 'Matcher' came from the indexing job done by Ancestry and/or FamilySearch.org. Indexing is done when census records and marriage records are looked at (by volunteers and others). The names from the written documents are then indexed. Sometimes written documents are difficult to read and incorrect names get indexed. The incorrect names are then 'corrected' when the obituary for the person(s) in question is published. Had... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Pathetic website
11 April 2022
Reviewer: Ac Cerbino from United States

29 of 58 people found this review helpful

This website has all the attributes of one designed by a 5th grader, working out of his mother's kitchen. EXAMPLE: I found a family burial plot. When attempting to add another family member, at the same cemetery, I had to locate the cemetery first. But a search, with the EXACT labelling of the one I found, yielded NO SUCH CEMETERY.

In another case, I found a grave of a long-lost friend. I actually went to the cemetery - a very small one, and scoured EVERY grave stone. The one I was looking for did not exist. (If you allow idiots to contribute, the results will of course be idiotic.)

In essence, this who mess must be a scam. I assume that down the line, somewhere, money will have to exchange hands in order to use it.

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Hoarding memorials
29 March 2022
Reviewer: Mary from USA

30 of 60 people found this review helpful

Find a Grave is not a reliable source for genealogy research. You are better off going to the library or a historical society to get accurate information.

Find a grave contributor number #8 is transferring memorials to anyone and not relatives. I noticed the after the contributors passed way or retired, they transferred all their memorials to #8, thinking to would be safe there.

I just noticed that one the top contributors got the several memorials transferred to her care from #8 and tampering with the memorials. For example, she would change the last name or change it to a completely different person or created a fictional person, for example - Find a Grave Memorial 93484391

I reported her but Find a grave was no help. They want proof what is accurate or if you are related to the person if you request a transfer from someone who refuses to transfer to family and relatives.

Just because the top contributors have more then 50,000 memorials doesn't mean you can trust them.

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Total Waste
14 March 2022
Reviewer: Goddess from Ohio

38 of 71 people found this review helpful

Find A Grave user image
For the serious genealogist Find A Grave is a total waste. Too much drama from their top contributors, fighting over who gets to manage other family's memorials to bickering about who is related to who without any concrete data to back up what they say. Find A Grave is loony tunes. Its like online kindergarten for the bored and constipated. What find a grave needs is a laxative.

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Opt out
10 March 2022
Reviewer: Versailles from Fort Wayne, Indiana

34 of 70 people found this review helpful

Families should be able to opt out of Find A Grave's data base, just like with other unwanted annoyances. Not all of us share the enthusiasm for the sport as do FindAGrave's top nut case contributors.

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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Opt out
10 March 2022
Reviewer: Thohornsbe from South Bend, Indiana

33 of 66 people found this review helpful

Families should be able to opt out of FindAGrave's data base. Not all of us share the enthusiasm 4 this kind of sport as do FindAGrave's top nut case contributors.

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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This site sucks
07 March 2022
Reviewer: Missplattvh from Kalamazoo, Michigan

33 of 72 people found this review helpful

Find A Grave user image
FindAGrave lures unsuspecting individuals 2 their site with the promise they can create 4 free a virtual memorial in memory 4 a special loved 1. After the memorial is completed it is taken over by Megan Heyl or Valencia Huberdick, official FindAGrave mangagers or numerous other staff.
(I only mention these two because they have titles and have been there 10 years or longer and there is consistency with the routine.)

Once taken over Megan Heyl and staff copy the data often adding 2 it with material swiped from the net - marriages, divorses, ex spouses, children biological or otherwise and time sensative data they may have stumbled on - driving record, jail time, bankruptcies, photos, Facebook posts - that sort of thing.

Once all the data is compiled it is catalogued then sent off to Salt Lake and used for a variety of things - mostly marketing but also sent to the Mormon Church.where the dead r
rebaptized into the Mormon Church.

FindAGrsve is a subsidiary of the Mormon Church. They take this very seriously. If u don't like it u r banned..Very little u can do. U accepted their invitation to create a free Memorial. They just didn't... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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