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Find A Grave Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 55 reviews)

Category: Genealogy Sites (AKA Family Tree Websites)
Website: http://www.findagrave.com

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Fed up graver
12 September 2023
Reviewer: Tired Of Rude Members from CA

82 of 155 people found this review helpful

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I enjoy searching cemeteries and adding memorial and pictures to the easy format of Find a Grave.
I am not a numbers member, but it annoys me when members do no research but expect transfers only to use the memorial as their family tree data screen or to increase their numbers.

Politely ask for a transfer, tell me how you are related.

I removed my email address from my profile because of the rude members out there, usually the members with little to know memorials added. When did we stop being polite and only commenting crap. Use the contact manager button or note button under edit screen vs using email, at least there is a record of the rudeness.

Members who think sending edits for birth dates etc with no supporting link is acceptable. "Ya ok, let me get the white out"

I am a member who enjoys the peace of a cemetery, I do not enjoy members who find it necessary to be rude, because I want supporting link to amend a date or parent/child.

I do not want to add useless info, like years of census records under the bio.
The one item that should be added to Find a Grave, automatic that the first grave picture added should be the cover photo. the 2nd pic or 3rd pic should not be unless Managers amends.

Another good example asking for a better pic of a 100 to 200 year old monument. Do they not realize we can not destroy the monument in order to get them their idea of a perfect picture.

Find a Grave is a hobby/a possible tool for searching..it is not Find a grave, it is a few members who make us think, why am I doing this/why do I need the headache.

Get a life rude members, you or I are not being paid, we are doing ancestry a huge favour and hoping we are helping other researchers out there.

In summary, I would recommend Find A Grave to a friend.

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