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(based on 374 reviews)

Category: Genealogy Sites (AKA Family Tree Websites)
Website: http://www.myheritage.com

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My Family tree 1st grade project :)
29 May 2013
Reviewer: Carlos Cabrera from Los Angeles, CA., USA

225 of 423 people found this review helpful

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I started our family tree for my daughter when my wife was expecting, now that my daughter is a 1st. grader it came very handy when she had the family tree homework assignment, we impressed the whole class. Not only because of all the 6 generations of family data collected but also because of the ease of organizing, adding data, adding pictures and actually printing the family tree with all data including pictures. This is an amazing program and would recommend it to all families. It's a great way to get all the family involved specially when the kids see where their roots, heritage and history comes from. My daughter started to get involved in interviewing and collecting data when she was 4 and thus was able to make a great presentation at school 2 years later, there's no age limit to put your family tree together, get your kids involved, you would love it and they would love it. Thanks for such great product.

In summary, I would recommend My Heritage to a friend.

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